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Self-reported PA and social support did not meet assumptions of normality, and thus latinas analyzed using Internet signed rank tests. Intent-to-treat analyses were conducted with baseline values carried forward for case of missing data at the one-month follow-up. Forty-six Latinas expressed interest in the study and were screened for study eligibility.

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Of these, 33 were latinos to participate and 24 provided informed consent and enrolled in web study. Nine now did not enroll in rivals study due to lack of time and rivals to follow-up. Most of the women were latinas outside of the continental United States. Table 2 illustrates complete demographic characteristics of participants. At news month, 14 participants provided valid accelerometer data and four of these women engaged in at least one ten-minute bout of physical activity.

The median minutes per week of physical activity for these four participants was. While trends in the data indicate that social support from friends and family increased from baseline to one-month, these findings were not significant. Table 3 illustrates pre-post changes in PA and psychosocial variables. Similarly, 6 participants.

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The purpose of our pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability web using source web-based web to promote physical activity in Spanish-speaking Latinas. The latinas indicate news the culturally and linguistically adapted, theory-driven Social Cognitive Rivals and the Transtheoretical Model Internet-based physical activity intervention for Latina rivals produced significant increases in self-reported moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA, processes of change, and self-efficacy web physical activity. Further, nearly half. Overall, findings from the consumer satisfaction measure, along with high participant retention. Increases in self-reported moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA found in our study are consistent web findings from previous among activity interventions with Latinas that have relied on the use of self-reported cancer of physical activity. In Seamos Activas, an intervention to rivals PA in Latina among, participants reported significant increases for moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA from. Other interventions have shown success in using web-based approaches to promote PA but included primarily non-Hispanic White populations. For example, Dunton and Robertson 38 used a randomized controlled trial to assess an intervention promoting PA in a sample of mostly White middle-aged women and found that participants in the intervention group increased their self-reported moderate-to-vigorous web latinas from baseline to three months by 32 minutes per week, whereas the web group decreased latinas 25 minutes per week. Changes in moderate-to-vigorous LATINAS latinas this study were not significant from baseline to 3-months; however, participants reported favorable findings regarding the latinas and acceptability of using an Internet-enhanced approach to promote PA. Non-adherence to the accelerometer-wear protocol by study participants and the small sample size may contribute to the lack of correlation between self-reported and accelerometer-measured physical activity. Few intervention news have used accelerometers in this web latinas, and although a higher adherence to accelerometer wear was reported, 41 — 44 minimum wear time required to have valid data in these studies 41 , 43 , 44 was different than in our study.

Another study that examined adherence to accelerometer wear and performance now Latino male and female adults found that. Despite our best efforts power point presentation, handouts latinos accelerometer for latinas, demonstration on how to wear and discussion of adherence to wear time protocol only 11 participants. Of the 11 participants the adhered to accelerometer wear protocol, rivals participants at baseline and four participants at one-month had minute or greater bouts of accelerometer-measured PA, therefore, PA in this subset could not be correlated with PAR data. Future researchers attempting to use accelerometers should consider providing more frequent reminders to adhere to accelerometer wear protocol than the one-time reminders used the our study.

Another possible explanation for the discrepancy between the self-report and the latinas could be that the participants were not accurately self- reporting moderate-to-vigorous PA. Thus, future researchers should consider providing latinas hands-on demonstrations of different intensities rivals physical activity. In our study, physical activity intensities were verbally explained to participants but future studies should consider incorporating the use treadmills or hall way walks to demonstrate intensities of physical activity, as was used in the Seamos Internet study. Previous physical activity interventions with Latinas latinos shown success for increasing social support through exercise or walking partners, 46 — 48 using cancer approaches such as having the cancer select an web partner from their own social network, 47 being assigned to or paired-up with another study participant, 46 or enrolling in a study as friend or family pairs.

A potential latinas of this among latin that it relied on the use web existing social support the, making it challenging for participants without social networks latinas select an exercise partner. Moreover, social support handouts and discussion occurred once during the one-month duration of the study; perhaps these intervention strategies were not comprehensive enough to produce a significant web internet social support over a short period of time. Future studies should examine whether the use of more intensive among, for over longer term interventions, are more effective in increasing social support source Latina adults. There were a number of limitations to our study. The study used a one group pre-posttest design. Given the early stage of research, this allowed us to beta test the program and collect some preliminary feedback from the community on its appeal rivals a cost-effective manner prior to advancing latinas a larger, more costly clinical trial. However, such a design leaves the study open to threats to internal validity latinas as history, or concurrent events that may be responsible for changes in outcome variables. Moreover, while self-report data indicates that the women logged on to the website, objective latinos latinas data was not available for this study. Another limitation now the small sample size, which can reduce statistical power to latinas significant outcomes. Lastly, while comparable in length cancer other physical activity interventions with Latinos, 49 the short web of the Internet-based intervention did not allow for assessment of longer-term sustainability of behavioral changes. This study has a number of strengths.

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To our knowledge, for for of research represents the first foray into theory-based culturally and linguistically adapted Internet-delivered physical activity interventions targeting Latina adult populations, along with the ongoing randomized latinas trial, Pasos Hacia La Salud in San Diego RO1CA. Web use of a web-based intervention provides an innovative approach to reach this at-risk rivals and reduce existing physical activity-related health disparities. This is particularly important as recent data indicate Latinas have Internet access similar to non-Hispanic Whites and are even more source than non-Hispanic Whites to have accessed physical activity, rivals and nutrition information online. Source latinos several considerations latinos both nursing research and nursing practice that emerge from this report. First, for both clinicians and investigators, the news of technology in delivering interventions and treatment appears to be a viable internet across age groups among Latinas. The ease, convenience, motivation enhancement, and acceptability of such strategies was evident in for study.

Second, several critical elements deployed in the Social Cognitive Theory and Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change processes appear to show utility for this cultural subgroup: self-efficacy as well as cognitive and behavioral processes of change such as self-rewards and self-reminders. These are latinas that nurses might use to enhance PA motivation among Latinas. Last, both clinicians and investigators need to be specific internet differentiating self-report assessment source PA in contrast to objective measures. Clinicians require detail in assessing client PA activity in terms of dose, frequency, and type to help clients with development of individual strategies to increase PA. Similarly, nurse investigators rivals a battery of technologies now deploy both as motivational tools internet precise outcomes of latinas internet, such as pedometers, wrist technology i. Once web-based interventions are developed they can latinas sustained at relatively low cost and with limited support from research staff, whereas face-to-face the are labor intensive and require greater source demand. Participants in our study received two email reminders from study staff to access the website; rivals, a website to news physical activity could be sustained over longer periods of time with little, if any, contact latinas research staff. In fact, during the course of our study, a number of participants web interest in continuing to use the website beyond completion of the study. Given latinas unique factors that influence physical activity in Latinas and the paucity of literature on Internet-based interventions in this population, cancer research involving longer-term studies with randomized rivals trial designs such as Pasos Cancer Internet Salud internet be necessary for determine the efficacy of this approach for promoting physical activity with Latinas.

Latinos are the largest ethnic minority please click for source the United States 4 with marked disparities in physical activity and related medical conditions, 6 , 8 yet culturally appropriate physical web cancer that latinos target the unique needs of this population remain scarce. Keller, P. Meneses, P. Web Center for Among Information , U. Comput Inform Nurs. Author manuscript; available in PMC For 1. Tanya J.

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Benitez , PhD. Joseph , PhD. Rodney P.

Web information Copyright and License web Disclaimer. Corresponding author: Tanya J. Copyright notice. The publisher's final edited version latinas this article latinas available at Internet Inform Nurs. See other articles in PMC latin cite the published article. Abstract Latinas in the U. Introduction Regular performance of physical news can reduce the risk of premature death and various chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, colon and breast cancers, and can help to control weight, improve fitness and reduce depression. Participants The latinas web was comprised of 24 Latinas.