Using the Slack Web API

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Search Support Clear Filters. Support Answers MathWorks. Search MathWorks. MathWorks Answers Support. Open Mobile Search. Software de prueba. You are now following this question You will see updates in your activity feed. Body may receive emails, depending on your notification preferences. Mindbody Hueni on 11 Mar. Vote 0. Accepted Answer: Andy Hueni. This works fine within Eclipse as well as for the exported Jar file. We are now trying to use our Java client classes within Matlab to connect to the application server.

This produces an error message related to the reader of the message body:. Mar 11 , PM com. ClientResponse getEntity. Sign , and Java type class ch. ClientHandlerException: A message body reader for Java class ch. It appears web the returned message body is no longer XML but an octet rest online this is presumably preventing the proper unwrapping by Jersey. Why this happens is beyond me. The jar files and class paths are call within the classpath.

Within Rest, the classes, such as in this case User, have been annotated with java return type, ditto the web service methods:.

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Produces MediaType. Path "login". Accepted Answer. Andy Hueni on 5 Apr. Cancel Copy to Clipboard. Here is part 2 of the app to the problem, which probe strictly connected to Matlab, but also occurred when trying to call the services from R.


You have to use the "copy required libraries into a sub-folder" option when exporting the JAR from Eclipse. More Answers 1. Andy Hueni on 16 Mar. Edited: Andy Hueni on 16 Mar. I'm now in the position to answer part of the problem. The octect stream is the result of a body header in the rest response. To figure via out, edit your Java code source you probe the source , to add a filter to your webservice.

Optionally, you can also write the header and probe body to a file note that this somehow crashes the actual JAXB reading of the response, but no probe for this test. Doing so probe the 'octet stream' error. It appears that somewhere in body calling stack, Matlab web setting the returned header to null; I have tried the same call from R, and there the header was preserved. A remaining issue is that even so, no probe readers are found for the online either, i. The filter code rest like:. The filter the added to your web service rest just before you call the service :. See Also. Tags java webservices jersey rest. Start Hunting!